
"If anyone wants to be first, he must be the very last, and the servant of all."

Mark 9:35

No matter your abilities, there's a need for your time and compassion. If you would like to take part in one of these ministry opportunities, please call or email the church.

  • We are always in need of volunteers for Sunday school, the nursery, and Monday night youth groups. (For the safety of our children, background checks are completed on all Children and Youth Ministry volunteers.).

  • Are you friendly and sociable? Do you have the gift of hospitality? Join the ministry that sets the tone for our church's friendliness and warmth. Volunteers who serve on this team are committed to making sure that people who come into our building feel welcome, accepted, and comfortable.

  • Our Delectable Delights team has two goals: to create homemade goodies for our Sunday morning coffee time AND to spend time with other folks who enjoy hanging out in a kitchen and baking. Our group is open to both long time bakers and newbies who want to learn. If you come with a recipe you want to make, great! If you just want to pitch in, we will put you to work. We have a wide variety of baking ingredients in the church kitchen, but if there is something particular you need and think we may not have, feel free to bring it or contact the church and we'll make sure it is here for you. Contact Rachel in the church office by calling 541-271-3928 or emailing info@rchog.org.

  • Volunteers on the Visitation Team spend time with people who are shut-in, elderly, or in need of company.  Visits are scheduled ahead of time and last one to two hours, always ending with a prayer.  If you love people and have the gift of being a good listener (or want to develop that gift) contact the church to find your place on this team.

  • Are you willing to cook? The church sometimes organizes "meal trains" to help those who are going through difficult circumstances like health trouble or major life changes. If you would like to contribute when the need arises, please contact the church to be added to the list of chefs.

  • We are in need of people who can drive a short route with the church van to pick up kids and adults for Sunday morning church. If you're interested in putting your name in the rotation of drivers, please contact the church.

  • Sponsored by LUMA churches, the Reedsport Food Pantry provides assistance to those suffering from hunger in Coastal Douglas County.  Volunteers help restock shelves, fill food orders, deliver orders, make calls as phone liaisons, and more.  If you're willing, there's role for you. Call or text 541-361-9277 for more info.

  • You don’t need to be a superhero to save lives...but you will be! If you are interested in joining the Pacific Pregnancy Clinic ministry team to advise and mentor pregnant parents, please call Elaine at 541-267-5204. No experience is necessary; training will be provided.

  • Christmas in July is a community work day that assists low income and elderly homeowners with yard work and small home repairs in Reedsport and nearby. Whether you're skilled or can just hold a paint brush, there's a project that needs your help. Volunteer forms are available at local churches, the Reedsport Senior Center, Reedsport City Hall, and various businesses early in the summer.

  • Each November the Lower Umpqua Ministerial Association offers a free community Thanksgiving dinner to those who may be alone, homebound, or otherwise need a nice holiday meal to enjoy. Volunteers are needed on Thanksgiving Day to pack meals, deliver meals, and help clean up. Other roles are sometimes available; check as the event approaches. The dinner is held in the Lower Umpqua Senior Center in Reedsport.