Youth Ministry

"I will refine them like silver and test them like gold. They will call on my name and I will answer them; I will say, ‘They are my people,’ and they will say, ‘The Lord is our God."

Zechariah 13:9

Refinery, our youth group, meets downstairs each Wednesday night for dinner and fun! We'll start with dinner at 6:30pm and wrap up around 8pm or so. All kids from 7th to 12th grade are invited to come eat, laugh, and learn more about how God is at work in our lives. It's a safe, welcoming place where students can experience the love of Jesus, grown their faith, and build strong relationships. All youth are welcome to come!

Refinery also meets at 10am on Sunday mornings. If you're in 7th to 12 grade, we invite you to join everyone in the sanctuary through worship time. After the music ends, you'll go downstairs to the youth room for a time of fun and teaching aimed specifically at the questions, problems, and decisions that matter the most to you.

Our Refinery youth group has its own social media pages:

Find us on Facebook at Refinery Parents roundedfacebook

and Instagram at reedsport_refinery roundedinstagram

Need A Ride?

We provide a safe, secure Sunday morning bus for kids and youth age 5 through high school. If you would like to arrange a pickup or want more information, contact the church office by calling 541-271-3928, emailing, or filling out this contact form.

Special Activities

Movie nights, beach nights, laser tag, pumpkin carving, parking lot parties, and much more happens throughout the year. During football season, 5th Quarter meets after every game at the church (right across from the football field) for food and fun. Check out Upcoming EventsRefinery Facebook, or Refinery Instagram to find out what's happening next!

Camp White Branch

For overnight adventures, try our summer camp! Located in the Willamette National Forest between Eugene and Sisters, Camp White Branch offer activities such as hiking, crafts, campfires, swimming, guest speakers, and more, providing youth a safe and supportive environment to grow their faith in God. Camps for middle school and high school students are held every July. Transportation from Reedsport and need-based scholarships are available. Find out more here.

Youth Camps 2025

Come learn more about Jesus while youth enjoy hiking, games, worship, lessons, and great food while at camp! For older kids, check out the camps on our Children page.

  • This week, Middle School Middle School Camp campers will have fun with their friends and enjoy time with God. Connections with God will be made through music, speakers, and small group discussions. They will learn that by working together in a team they can achieve more than they could alone. Fun activities, waterslide, hikes and crafts are planned to fill each day.

    We will have a theme night: stay tuned for what to bring!

    Dates: July 14-18, 2025

    Ages: Entering 7th and 8th grade

    Price: $300

    Directors: Brian Arnold and Nicole Gordon

    Activities: Possibilities include talent night, offsite hike, crafts, worship, devotions, western theme dinner, movie night, smores, group activities, guest speaker, water games, and more!

    Last Day to Register is July 6, 2025

  • This week for is jam packed full of adventure for high schoolers with white water rafting, hikes, onsite activities, and games. The programming is designed to meet physical and spiritual needs on all different levels. Every morning and night there will be main sessions. Campers will learn on a deeper level who Jesus is, and where their faith is rooted. Each main session will be followed up by a small group discussion to unpack these lessons and have the chance to ask questions.

    Don’t forget to sign the waiver for White Water Rafting! We prefer to have them now and not have someone miss out if they change their minds at camp!

    Dates: July 7-11, 2025

    Ages: Entering 9th-Sr High Graduate

    Price: $380

    Director: Teresa Hellstrom

    Activities: Possibilities include worship band, guest speaker, rafting, tie dye activity, movie night, hiking, devotions, and group activities each afternoon and evening.

    Last Day to Register is June 29, 2025

  • Come spend time with other young adults at camp. You are never too old to enjoy time at Camp White Branch. This time away from your busy schedule will help you get reignited for Christ.

    Dates: TBD

    Stay tuned for more info!