If you need help

Life can be hard. We'd like to help. Call the church during our office hours, Monday through Thursday, 8am to 1pm, at 541-271-3928, or email us at info@rchog.org to find out how we can meet your needs. Here are some resources:

  • Suicide Prevention

    If you’re thinking about suicide, are worried about someone else, or would like emotional support, the Lifeline is free, confidential, and available 24/7. Don't wait. Call or text 988.

    Online chat is also available.

  • Domestic violence

    If you are in immediate danger, call 911.

    The Hotline will listen without judgement and help you begin to address what’s going on in your relationship. Services are free and available 24/7. Call 1-800-799-7233 or text "START" to 88788

  • Addiction Recovery

    If you are ready to break free from alcohol addiction, the Reedsport Church of God hosts a women's Alcoholics Anonymous group Mondays at 1pm and a men's Alcoholics Anonymous group Tuesdays at 7pm. For addiction to drugs, a Narcotics Anonymous group meets Fridays at 7pm. Contact the church at 541-271-3928 or info@rchog.org for more info, see listings on our calendar, and visit Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous to learn more about these programs.

  • Food

    The Reedsport Food Pantry provides indoor shopping at 150 S. 20th St. in Lions Park in Reedsport. Open hours are Tuesdays and Wednesdays 1pm-3pm and Fridays 11am-1pm. Call or text 541-361-9277 for more info. If you have difficulty getting transportation to the pantry, text "RIDE" to 541-361-9277

    Lakeside Feed the Need Food Pantry, located at 915 N. Lake Rd., is open 1st and 3rd Fridays 5-7pm; 2nd, 4th, and 5th Fridays 11am-1pm.

  • Yard work and repairs

    Christmas in July is a community partnership to assist low income and elderly homeowners with yard work and small home repairs in Reedsport and nearby. Applications to request help can be filled in and submitted on their website. Paper applications are also available at local churches, the Reedsport Senior Center, Reedsport City Hall, and various businesses early in the summer.

  • Free Counseling

    Skilled Christian counseling with Pastor Roger Horton, LCPC, of LifeCare Collaborative Counseling is offered 11am to 6pm every Friday at Reedsport Church of God. If you would like to make an appointment, please call the church office at 541-271-3928.

  • Home visits

    If you are shut-in, elderly, or simply in need of company, volunteers from the Reedsport Church of God's Visitation Team will come to you. Visits are scheduled ahead of time and last one to two hours, always ending with a prayer. This is available to anyone in the community whether or not you worship with the Reedsport Church of God, however if you have another church you call home, the team will work to connect you to someone from there. Please email or call the church office at 541-271-3928.

  • Meals during recovery

    Reedsport Church of God sometimes organizes "meal trains" to help those who are going through difficult circumstances like health trouble or major life changes. If you need help with meals while you are in recovery, please contact the church office at 541-271-3928 and we will do what we can to assist!

  • pregnancy clinic

    Pacific Pregnancy Clinic offers a loving, safe, and confidential atmosphere where a woman can talk with a trained Patient Coordinator. They provide pregnancy tests, ultrasound scans, prenatal & parenting education, a men’s mentoring program and post-abortion counsel. All services are are free and confidential. Call them at 1-800-714-4357 or visit their website for 24/7 live chat.

  • Grief Support group

    Grieving the death of a loved one? GriefShare is a weekly support group designed to help you rebuild your life. We know it hurts, and we want to help. The next series will begin September 14, 2022. Please contact the church to sign up.

  • Family resource center

    The Family Resource Center connects people with housing, health care, support groups, clothing, school supplies, and more. Located at 3520 Frontage Rd, Reedsport. Open Monday through Friday, 8am-12pm and 1pm-4pm. Call 541-271-9700 or email frc@luhonline.com

  • Human trafficking

    Are you being forced to do something you don't want to do? Are you unable to leave your situation? Has your documentation been taken away from you? If your safety is at risk, contact the National Human Trafficking Hotline. Human trafficking is the crime of using force, fraud, or coercion to control another person for labor or services against his/her will. Get help. Free, confidential, available 24/7. Call 1-888-373-7888 or text INFO to 233733

  • More Resources

    For a longer list of community services for Reedsport and surrounding areas, please check out this publication from Bay Area Hospital (Coos Bay) and this publication from Siuslaw Valley Fire & Rescue/Western Lane Ambulance District (Florence).