class 101: discovering my church family
offered every other month on third sundays from 3:00-6:30
Taught by Pastor Allen, this class covers topics such as salvation, baptism, communion, and the history of our church. This is a great way to learn a lot about our church in a short time, and everyone is encouraged to attend a session. Dinner is provided, and childcare is available upon request.
class 201: discovering spiritual maturity
offered every other month on third sundays from 3:00-6:30
This class covers the habits necessary for spiritual growth, including prayer, Bible reading and study, scripture memorization, tithing, and being involved with your church family for mutual support and accountability. Dinner is provided, and childcare is available upon request.
sunday school for all ages
every sunday from 9:30 to 10:30
We provide Sunday school classes for all ages each Sunday morning. Please click here for more information.
offered periodically on sundays at 9:30
This class covers some of the basics of the Christian faith for third through sixth grade students, including salvation, baptism, and communion. Please contact the church office at 541-271-3928 for more information on our next scheduled classes.