"All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals (including the Lord’s Supper), and to prayer."
--Acts 2:42
We have two identical worship services each Sunday—at 8:30am and 10:00am. Services usually begin with singing and announcements, then a sermon lasting 30-40 minutes, then close with more music and singing. Sunday School for all ages up to 18 is offered during the 10:00am service. Nursery care is provided for children from birth up to age 3 during the 10:00am service.
You can watch our 10am service live or anytime afterwards on YouTubecircleyoutube
Prefer radio?
Catch us at 10am every Sunday morning on KDUN Radio 1030AM, the Voice of the Oregon Dunes!
First-time visitor? Click here!
During COVID we are following state guidelines and taking measures to ensure the safety of our congregation and community. Look for updates on our homepage or Facebook.
We can't wait to see you next Sunday!